Hanging with 3000+ women at BlogHer for a weekend was just what I needed. It's reassuring to know I am not the only person that hears that little voice...."what do I want to be when I grow up?" This conference came at a perfect time.....Sarah just started full day Kindergarten and I need a kick in the pants to start this next phase of my life.
People come in our lives for reasons. Stephanie Nielson has influenced my life in such a positive way. I love her style, determination and feel like she is a long time friend . I follow Nie Nie Dialogues and am a much better mom for knowing her story.
Chatting with Ricki Lake about home births was an interesting experience. I really don't have an opinion about home births but I think if you want to do it ...go for it. She is lovely. She will be back on TV in 2012.
BlogHer also allowed me some time with my friend Natalie. Our lives are busy with kids, school, work but she is the type of friend you can pick up like no time has passed. All these women made an impression on me and it came at a time that I really needed the conversations and motivation. When people ask me about blogging I always think "well, I don't really know why I blog".......after this weekend I know why I blog.