Friday, July 25, 2008

Friday Flashback

Last night I saw Mamma Mia with a girlfriend was so great......especially for you ABBA fans!!! If you are planning on seeing this movie I strong recommend seeing it with another female. It brought back SO MANY MEMORIES of fun times with this group of gals. Here we are at a 50's party back in %^&*$%. (a while ago). I have been humming ABBA music all also allowed some sun sunshine back in my aura after seeing BATMAN the day before. It was a good movie too but ....... dark ..........and I couldn't find any pictures of me dressed up like wonder woman after seeing it is all about girlfriends( past and present) and Mamma Mia for this Friday Flashback!
It was FABULOUS to have a girls night at the movies and this is the perfect "girl movie!!"


oº˚ Homeschool Mom˚ºo said...

Looks like you had a good time -- love the picture -- Thank you for the comment.

Tonya Staab said...

OMG that is a fantastic photo. Love it.

So glad you had a great girls night out.

my little buttercup said...

Ahh, I would have loved to tag along on this date. LOVE ABBA, love mama mia, I think I will go cry myself to sleep now.
That picture is classic, although I am really looking forward to when you find the wonder woman picture.

my little buttercup said...

Oh yea, and now I see where Sarah gets it from.