Sunday, October 26, 2008

Mixed Bag

"Celebrate the happiness that friends are always giving,
make every day a holiday and celebrate just living!" ~ Amanda Bradley
I am so blessed to have these women ( and their famlies) in our life.
Does anyone else keep this kind of #*^% for the next art project they are going to do with their kids? I know the minute I throw these in the recycle bin we are going to need to make a long tube for matchbox cars to go through.............this is how my brain works.

The sweetest little girl waiting patiently for "Lamb Lamb" to get a bath.
(We are working on the binky thing).


Susie Homemaker said...

you can just see the longing in her eyes...awwwww! I am a keeper (Scotty Dog says hoarder) of all things that I deem might be're right! The minute you toss need em!

Kiss the monkey for us!

Love you,

Tonya Staab said...

So great to see you yesterday. We love hanging out with all you fabulous moms.

I am such a hoarder. Never know when I might need something. Tonight I'm cursing myself for throwing out a teensy bit of white fabric (from my ghost lollipops yesterday) b/c I decided tonight to cover my salt & pepper shakers. Damn me. It would've been just the right amount too.

Alliegatorfables said...

I am just proud of you for making oatmeal that is not instant. Thanks for a great yesterday and don't rush the binky-it will end.

oº˚ Homeschool Mom˚ºo said...

She is to sweet. And yes I keep all kinds of things for arts and crafts and then forget about it. LOL -- Wanted to let you know I shut down my site with the mailing label for now I'm redesining it. If you need some just e-mail me. I'll let you know when I open it.

Much Love

Linda said...

What a beautiful group of moms and kids! You are so lucky to have so many friends with kids your daughter's's truly a blessing.

Havefaith said...

How adorable my Sarah Gene waiting for Lamb Lamb Love it and you, Mom xoxo

Mommy Wishdom said...

So sweet! We have a lambie...ok well he has three but besides that. I have a picture just like this.