Sunday, January 18, 2009

$3, 378.50

Yes you read it right that IS the cost for this tutu. With the new law that will go into effect Feb. 10, 2009, the CPSIA will require that each store selling products for children under the age of 12 test each product in our shops for lead......(ETSY shops) Each component will cost $70 and this tutu has eight components -two types of of tulle each needing to be tested, two different ribbons, one type of thread, elastic band, silk flower, and an alligator clip making the charge $560. Add in the additional $350 per component for phthalates testing and that adds another $2800 making this tutu that original cost about $20.00 to the grand total of $3,378.50!!! For more info please read

Please help keep handmade items available for our children.
Call Henry Waxmans office and leave a message to SAVE HANDMADE


Proud mommy of Two said...

Such a bunch of bull! Stupid laws!!

TUTU Monkey said...

You are really going to have to have a "good hair day" for a $35.00 hair clip.....:)

TUTU Monkey said...

I think I will just start making "felt poo"

danielle said...

That is just insane!!!! I really can't believe it, I hope they reverse this law ASAP!!!

Tamerie Shriver Halliday said...

Can you just say that your very small tutus are for kids 13 and older that happen to be VERY short? I hope the outcry will change the minds of those who are responsible for this new law and it will be reversed.


TUTU Monkey said...

I am going to start hitting the nursing ome market......that whole population had been overlooked in the tutu community.....

Alliegatorfables said...

I will take two!

Anne said...

That's frightening. However, I will be the cutest babe in the nursing home!

Jen said...

I can't believe it!! Such stupid laws out there. Who sits up all night thinking about what stupid laws they can create--and along the way damage small businesses. Ewww! Absolutely ridiculous!

Rhonda said...

So...what if you called it a tutu for plastic dolls only? You know... the blow up kind? I mean, really now...what are they going to do?? This is what happens when you let a bunch of stupid politicians with too much time on their hands, start making stupid "laws!" I mean, really, really STUPID laws.

Havefaith said...

Good luck to all of you with your talented handmade items. I called and left a message .... I hope the calls make an impression.
With love Tutumonkeys Mom, just had a great visit with Dana and Sarah......having withdrawals xoxox

Tonya Staab said...

Honey, I love you and your tutus, but ......

TUTU Monkey said...

What Tonya!!!! I will throw in a has to be a real flower $$$ left to lead test:)