I am not here to judge but ..........
This gal (or guy) will eventually get a little older.......
the plug won't fit as snug anymore.........
and food will continually drip out of her chin.
Welcome, thanks for visiting and hearing adentures with my littel Tutu Monkey
That is probably the grossest, creepiest thing I have EVER seen in my whoe life!!! Ew!
That is just gross! What is she thinking? Actually, I wasn't even sure it was a she...le sigh!
Love and hugs,
food will drip out of her chin...LOL. You are so funny...even funnier than that girl! :)
I could say so much! Incredibile...
Ciao Rita
I will judge. That is NASTY! Where do you find these people, Dana?
That is disgusting. Why would anyone do that to themselves? The piercing is bad enough. Oh my gosh! Nasty, nasty, nasty.
Just when you think you've seen it all!
That boy/girl? is incredibly stupid! Very very stupid!
I like it. great place to stick a cigar...
But she's so "unique"! HAHAHAHA
I almost gagged at this photo- yuk!! Happy February!! Enjoy your Yoga exercises!!
Sandy xoxo
Now I have seen everything!!! I just don't get it?
Ew!!! Dana - quit websurfing and get back to making cute tutu's! : )
Ahhh, that is gross!
I'd like to, and just will, believe that is just photoshopped! Once again, you give me something to go to bed and have nightmares about!!!!!!
I'm sure her/his dentist is just thrilled... Sooooo super gross, it needs to be plugged up!
No way.....just...NO WAY!!! Carlos is looking at it and said "why would anyone want a hole in there?"
I thought it was an illusion at first. What happens when he eats?
Does that mean she can drink a bottle of wine and still breathe at the same time? That would be a plus. LOL
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