Saturday, November 8, 2008

7 Secrets......

I have been tagged by my new blog friend Renee/Candy Stick Lane to tell 7 secrets about myself........hmmmmmm

1. I don't like big dogs......I will pet one if I am at your house but they kind of scare me
2. I was addicted to Botox on my forehead....I am now embracing my laugh lines....:)
3. I listen to Neal Diamond
4. I watch MTV Real World Road Rules Challeges
5. I bite my nails (trying to quit)
6. I smoked for a month about 7 years ago........I can see how people get hooked
7. I still let Sarah eat pancakes in bed....( hope Paul doesn't read this)

Okay now I need to pick 5......( I changed the rules a little bit)

Stacia, Ashley, Anne, Melissa, Kelly


Mommy Wishdom said...

I listen to Neal and watch the Real World/Rd Rules Challenegs in secret too!! Im not a fan of big dogs either. : )

Shauna said...

Thanks for sharing :) Hope you are having an awesome weekend! ♥ Hugs!

TUTU Monkey said...

How funny!! Don't start the pancakes in bed....hard to stop:)

Grammy Staffy said...

Fun things to learn about you.

We have a really sweet big dog but I promise to keep her outside if you come to visit....I won't even ask you to pet her once.

I'm afraid you are right about prop 8. I did not expect so much prop 8 hate to come up after the election. Most all of the churches supported yes on prop 8 but the no on 8 group seem to be taking out their anger on us. I just learned that a Mormon friend had their dog poisoned and killed by the no on 8 group. So sad. The people voted....doesn't that count for anything any more? I hope that tolerance will be had on both sides.

Susie Homemaker said...

You are too cute! I won't say anything to anyone here about the pancakes and syrup in bed...I can see us all on intervention secret show that I watch is Dog the Bounty Hunter...I mean those things on the side of his head...I can't stop looking!

Love you guys,

Jan said...

We just watched Jazz Singer for the 20th time the other night. My husband and I were dancing in the living room. We love Neil music too. My friends think we are crazy.

I call them ta ta's too. I did a post on them using that word. I came over because of a comment you made on calms blog. And I wanted to tell you that you have the nicest smile :)

TUTU Monkey said...

I am for tolerance on both sides too!! I don't like to see the courts get SO involved.

Renee•Candy Stick Lane said...

My name is Renee and I am a nail biter! hee hee - ive been clean for 6 years now thanks to tons of hard work and i do relapse now and again :) GREAT 7! Smooches!

Alliegatorfables said...

I was going to participate in this-but not sure how? How do I get that whispering girl on my blog.....

my little buttercup said...

Stacia- you are funny...

Dana- Real World/Road Rules Challenges rock! I can't believe Paula didn't see that coming!

Havefaith said...

I just love reading your blog and meeting so many of your friends on here.
I tried to smoke in college once or twice myself, but never could you Mom

Mommy Wishdom said...

Dana - Stacia told me to ask you for help....I know you set hers up so she cant seem to help me. How do I insert the nienie buttons?

Jen said...

What a crack-up. Seriously, you made me laugh at a few things. Thanks for being real and you!