Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Tiger Princess

Funny litte guy

Tiger Princess

Well, after a VERY full day.....
we popped on over for bedtime stories at the Coronado Library.
All the kids wore their pj's .........just too cute. Sarah wanted to wear her "grandma pajama's". My Mom wears a lot of sparkles and animal print so these remind her of grandma. Sarah got to be the "tiger princess" (appropriate huh?) in the reading of the first book.
So cute to see her up with the library teacher.

Every day that I live in this quaint little town I give an extra little "thanks"
to the guy upstairs.


Tamerie Shriver Halliday said...

We are, indeed, very fortunate to call Coronado home!
Sarah, as always, looks adorable.

Havefaith said...

Hey, I remember those PJ's!
So glad to see her in them and being the Princess.
I do love all the wild animal prints...........and YOU.
MOM xoxoxo

Havefaith said...

I Can't Sleep so am enjoying watching Sarah at story time again..........can't wait to see you.........miss and love you MOM

DeHan said...

PJ story night- love it!